Friday, March 7, 2014

ExpressVPN Connection Router

Do you own an ExpressVPN account? Do you wish to establish a permanent VPN Connection to the States (US) for your APPLE TV in Singapore?

We have the solution for you.

For $400, we can provision a Dual Band (2.4GHz & 5GHz) VPN Router which will be configured to your personal ExpressVPN certificate and have it courier (within Singapore) to you. Note that these custom routers does not have any manufacturer warranty since we are flashing it with customized firmwares.

If you need our engineers to visit your site to setup the connection, this service is available @ $120 first hour, $80 for subsequent hour.

To minimize the setup time, please give us full details of your existing home setup of router & APPLE TV location, etc. Distance and position will impact the connectivity of the setup.


Log-in to ExpressVPN website, click on "Setup My VPN Account," select the "Linux and Routers OpenVPN" setup option, and then download either one (or more) of the available configuration (.ovpn) files, which we will need to setup your router.

Sales Team

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